Aug 20, 2021Liked by Jonathan L. Rutan

Magic sword is actually Thor's hammer. But I'll take that over Mary Sue knows how to fight like a badass right out of the gate.

I'm going to express my thoughts on this bit in the style of "Pitch Meeting."

-So you have a book for me?

-Yes, sir, I do. It's called Worlds of Ash.

-Ooh, sounds edgy. So what happens in it?

-Well there's this girl, Amanda, but she prefers to be called Ash because that's her last name.

-Hey, that's like in the title!

-It is, sir. And she's like super tight with her grandfather, who she calls Poppa Henry.

-Aw, that's sweet.

-Poppa Henry is a wanted criminal because he's accused of killing the king of a world called Penthya.

-Oh my God. So he's going on the run?

-Yeah, he did it when he was a young man, and he traveled to Earth to live inconspicuously. But then these guys start hunting him, and he has to rescue his family who's been kidnapped and taken back to this castle to stand trial in his place. He rescues his granddaughter but she falls into this other place called the Kawshun, where the sun never sets and where if she steps off the road, she'll be torn to pieces by these wolves.

-Wow wow wow. Wow. So she's really careful, right?

-No, in the first five minutes, she breaks this barrier that can't be broken or else it will never be replaced and the wolves will run free.

-So she's torn to pieces by wolves?

-No, she's rescued by these Riders who restore the barrier.

-But you just said the barrier can't be broken.

-Well they have special magic from this Pool that lets them restore the barrier.

-Oh, okay.

-And they rescue a bunch of wolves which are just lost souls.

-Oh, that's nice. So everyone's reunited and happy?

-Oh no. You see, the sun is setting and if they get caught out in the dark, everyone turns back into wolves.

-But you just said the sun doesn't set.

-Well, sometimes it does. Oh, and Ash sustained an injury, and she needs to be healed or else she'll become a wolf and she can never be restored.

-Like the barrier?

-I'm going to need you to get all the way off my back about that.

-Oh, okay.

-So they retreat to this Pool where they'll be safe. And there one of the Riders identifies Poppa Henry as being the one accused of killing the king. And he says, no, wait, I didn't, and I can prove it.

-Considering he fled the castle and the country and never returned--

-Well, he might have returned.

-So he was sneaking around?

-Yeah. And time is different, too. Sometimes it goes faster or slower than what we see on Earth.

-Oh, so this is all really current in Penthya? Like there's still this huge manhunt on for the king's assassin?

-Yeah, no, see there's this guy Jeth who was a contemporary of Henry's who's been trapped as a wolf for six hundred years.

-Wow. Hunting down political assassins for six hundred years is tight!

-So anyway he tells this Rider that he wasn't the assassin and he can prove it.

-Considering it's been six hundred years and he's pretty well fixed in the mind as the assassin, I'll bet it's going to be really tough to change everyone's minds.

-Actually, it's going to be super easy, barely an inconvenience.

-Oh really!

-Yeah, you see the Pool is magic and Poppa Henry knows a bunch of super advanced magic stuff, and he just taps into the magic of the Pool and shows everyone his memories from the day the king was killed.

-Is this a thing?

-It's a really advanced ability called a Remembrance.

-Do other people know that Poppa Henry is super talented in magic?

-Of course, it's why he was both ousted and framed.

-So if people know he's super talented, why not have him do the Remembrance thingy to prove his innocence?

-Well, because his murderous brother is king now and wants him dead.

-Fair enough. So why does anyone care about Henry after six hundred years?


-If Henry is living happily on Earth, what does he care about Penthya?


-Will we learn this information?

-I don't know.

If you watch "Pitch Meeting" it's all in good fun, but it does highlight a few points. Obviously the book isn't done yet, but that's just how my mind is processing the information so far.

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